OpenFest 2013 Presentation - Ulteo OVD
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

83 lines
1.5 KiB

/* global module:false */
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project configuration
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
meta: {
'/*!\n' +
' * reveal.js <%= pkg.version %> (<%="yyyy-mm-dd, HH:MM") %>)\n' +
' *\n' +
' * MIT licensed\n' +
' *\n' +
' * Copyright (C) 2013 Hakim El Hattab,\n' +
' */'
jshint: {
files: [ 'gruntfile.js', 'js/reveal.js' ]
// Tests will be added soon
qunit: {
files: [ 'test/**/*.html' ]
uglify: {
options: {
banner: '<%= meta.banner %> \n'
build: {
src: 'js/reveal.js',
dest: 'js/reveal.min.js'
cssmin: {
compress: {
files: {
'css/reveal.min.css': [ 'css/reveal.css' ]
jshint: {
options: {
curly: false,
eqeqeq: true,
immed: true,
latedef: true,
newcap: true,
noarg: true,
sub: true,
undef: true,
eqnull: true,
browser: true,
expr: true
globals: {
head: false,
module: false,
console: false
watch: {
files: [ 'gruntfile.js', 'js/reveal.js', 'css/reveal.css' ],
tasks: 'default'
12 years ago
// Dependencies
grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-contrib-jshint' );
grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-contrib-cssmin' );
grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-contrib-uglify' );
grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-contrib-watch' );
// Default task
grunt.registerTask( 'default', [ 'jshint', 'cssmin', 'uglify' ] );