Frederic Hemberger
Aligns naming of .pygments-cache, .gist-cache and .sass-cache
13 years ago
Brandon Mathis
updated gist_tag.rb to use <div>s to get around RDiscount's foolishness
13 years ago
Brandon Mathis
Moved plugins to root directory. I'm ditching the idea of shipping plugins with themes until it's more obviously necessary. This way it's easier to merge and update plugins.
13 years ago
Brandon Mathis
Changed _plugins folder to plugins and updated rake tasks accordingly
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
Moved themes to .themes to get it out of the way. Updated Rakefile to support .themes dir and remove duplication. Improved deploy task. Renamed init_deploy to cofig_deploy and rewrote it to update configurations in the Rakefile for easier deploy use
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
1. Added new include_code tag to allow auhtors to insert files from the file system with syntax highligting and a download link
2. Improved the gist tag to properly insert the sources in <noscript> tags
3. Improved semantics in the blockquote plugin and DRYed things up.
4. Pygments caching now stores to the _code_cache directory by default
5. Added a configuration for the default include_code directory
6. Updated the .gitignore
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
1. Moved _plugins into themes/classic/_plugins
I think it's probably better to ship plugins with themes to make it
easier to update them.
2. Improved 'install' rake task and made nicer output
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
irrisponsibly massive commit
14 years ago