A new config variable 'date_format' is introduced in _config.yml.
It can either be set to "ordinal" to use the current format or it
can be given a string complying to strftime() format identifiers.
if you specify
in you _config.yml and once you add asides/github.html to your sidebar
items, this plugin will fetch the specified users github repositories
and order them so the last pushed ones are shown first. Then it'll list
them in the side-bar, including a link and the repository description
The plugin will only list your own repositories, not forks, though this
might need to be configurable later
2. Fixed Newer pagination link on page 2
3. Improved sidebar section breakdown on collapse
4. Removed sharing links from the blog index page (moved to pages)
5. Improved styling for metadata on the blog index
6. Moved /blog/archives.html to /blog/archives/index.html
7. Improved responsive layout styling bugs
2. Added a page layout and improved html on post layout.
3. Improved flexibility of stylesheets for different layout types.
4. Collapsing sidebar now moves it to the bottom of the page and floats
content into columns.
5. Improved sharing settings, added Google plus one.
2. Added updated instructions to the README
3. Removed unused media css directories
4. Improved use of color variables for page theming.
5. Improved Typography and blog styling.
6. Added support for simple pre and code styles
7. Misc styling and markup improvements.
2. Improved the gist tag to properly insert the sources in <noscript> tags
3. Improved semantics in the blockquote plugin and DRYed things up.
4. Pygments caching now stores to the _code_cache directory by default
5. Added a configuration for the default include_code directory
6. Updated the .gitignore
2. Refactored subscription styling to be more DRY
3. Added an image for email subscriptions
4. Added assets directory to the gitignore for stashing working files
5. Improved gem list in the Gemfile
1. Major improvements to the responsive styling.
2. Toggleable sidebar
3. Upgraded to modernizr 2.0 which includes Respond.js
4. IE7-9 testing and fixes
5. New theming system which should make forkers happy
6. New rake task for installing Octopress themes
7. Magic
highlighting tests, improved syntax highlighting and styling of pre
Overriding dynamic gist styling.
Added a plugin for pygments caching which should speed things up
added ender.js as a lightweight way of scripting the DOM, events, etc.
Some general typography and semantic html improvements.