Brandon Mathis
Moved themes to .themes to get it out of the way. Updated Rakefile to support .themes dir and remove duplication. Improved deploy task. Renamed init_deploy to cofig_deploy and rewrote it to update configurations in the Rakefile for easier deploy use
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
1. Added Category support
2. Designed blog archives pages
3. Restructured Sass
4. Added Categories to rake post metadata
5. Some general style improvements
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
1. Updated readme
2. Improved blog typography
3. Improved support for Disqus
4. Removed unnecessary page layout
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
1. Switched back to Rdiscount
2. Improved Blockquote comment header
3. Added Include File and Pullquote plugins
4. Improved blog typography
5. Simplified "Read more" link
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
1. Replaced Rdiscount in favor of Kramdown (better html5 support) for markdown processing.
2. Added updated instructions to the README
3. Removed unused media css directories
4. Improved use of color variables for page theming.
5. Improved Typography and blog styling.
6. Added support for simple pre and code styles
7. Misc styling and markup improvements.
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
updated titlecase filter, added titlecase filter to entry titles in article.html partial
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
Added themes directory, improved javascript load and minification.
14 years ago