Jekyll does not support this value for Page or Post classes. The
capture returned an empty Sting, which was always evaluated to true
in '{% if updated %}'.
- Added ARIA setting `aria-live="polite"` to comment output
- Removed duplicate <div id="disqus_thread"> from page/post templates
- Moved blocking JavaScript loading to the end of the document body.
- Merged JavaScript code for index and pages/posts using conditionals
- Moved global JavaScript disqus variables into the anonymous function to stop pollution of global namespace
2. Refactored Octopress filters into Liquid filters and pre/post render filters (using post_filters plugin)
3. Added methods to raw plugin to prevent Markdown and Textile from parsing blocks
4. Updated render partial to invoke the pre_render method of post_filters
5. Moved Rubypants filter out of default.html into Octopress post_render filters
6. Added raw's safe_wrapper method to codeblock and include_code filters
2. Added a page layout and improved html on post layout.
3. Improved flexibility of stylesheets for different layout types.
4. Collapsing sidebar now moves it to the bottom of the page and floats
content into columns.
5. Improved sharing settings, added Google plus one.