Generates XML files for DeltaPro from Amazon invoices
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

90 lines
3.4 KiB

using System;
using libxl;
namespace invoice
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Book book = new XmlBook();
Font boldFont = book.addFont();
boldFont.bold = true;
Font titleFont = book.addFont(); = "Arial Black";
titleFont.size = 16;
Format titleFormat = book.addFormat();
titleFormat.font = titleFont;
Format headerFormat = book.addFormat();
headerFormat.alignH = AlignH.ALIGNH_CENTER;
headerFormat.font = boldFont;
headerFormat.fillPattern = FillPattern.FILLPATTERN_SOLID;
headerFormat.patternForegroundColor = Color.COLOR_TAN;
Format descriptionFormat = book.addFormat();
descriptionFormat.borderLeft = BorderStyle.BORDERSTYLE_THIN;
Format amountFormat = book.addFormat();
amountFormat.borderLeft = BorderStyle.BORDERSTYLE_THIN;
amountFormat.borderRight = BorderStyle.BORDERSTYLE_THIN;
Format totalLabelFormat = book.addFormat();
totalLabelFormat.borderTop = BorderStyle.BORDERSTYLE_THIN;
totalLabelFormat.alignH = AlignH.ALIGNH_RIGHT;
totalLabelFormat.font = boldFont;
Format totalFormat = book.addFormat();
totalFormat.font = boldFont;
totalFormat.fillPattern = FillPattern.FILLPATTERN_SOLID;
totalFormat.patternForegroundColor = Color.COLOR_YELLOW;
Format signatureFormat = book.addFormat();
signatureFormat.alignH = AlignH.ALIGNH_CENTER;
signatureFormat.borderTop = BorderStyle.BORDERSTYLE_THIN;
Sheet sheet = book.addSheet("Invoice");
sheet.writeStr(2, 1, "Invoice No. 3568", titleFormat);
sheet.writeStr(4, 1, "Name: John Smith");
sheet.writeStr(5, 1, "Address: San Ramon, CA 94583 USA");
sheet.writeStr(7, 1, "Description", headerFormat);
sheet.writeStr(7, 2, "Amount", headerFormat);
sheet.writeStr(8, 1, "Ball-Point Pens", descriptionFormat);
sheet.writeNum(8, 2, 85, amountFormat);
sheet.writeStr(9, 1, "T-Shirts", descriptionFormat);
sheet.writeNum(9, 2, 150, amountFormat);
sheet.writeStr(10, 1, "Tea cups", descriptionFormat);
sheet.writeNum(10, 2, 45, amountFormat);
sheet.writeStr(11, 1, "Total:", totalLabelFormat);
sheet.writeFormula(11, 2, "=SUM(C9:C11)", totalFormat);
sheet.writeStr(14, 2, "Signature", signatureFormat);
sheet.setCol(1, 1, 40);
sheet.setCol(2, 2, 15);"invoice.xlsx");
catch (System.Exception e)