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import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
Image {
id: buttonIcon
x: 64
y: 64
property int animationDuration: 250
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
source: isClicked ? "qrc:/bpetrov.tangraplay/imports/TangraPlay/Assets/buuf-pause.png" : "qrc:/bpetrov.tangraplay/imports/TangraPlay/Assets/buuf-play.png"
property bool isClicked: false
function runAnimation() {
glow.visible = true
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
onPressed: {
glow.visible = true
///////// Click animation
Rectangle {
id: glow
visible: false
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
color: "#00000000"
radius: 125
scale: 1.05
border.color: "#ffffff"
PropertyAnimation {
target: glow
id: animation1
duration: buttonIcon.animationDuration
loops: 1
from: 1.05
to: 1.2
property: "scale"
ParallelAnimation {
id: animation2
SequentialAnimation {
PropertyAnimation {
target: glow
duration: buttonIcon.animationDuration
loops: 1
from: 0.2
to: 1.0
property: "opacity"
PropertyAnimation {
target: glow
duration: buttonIcon.animationDuration
loops: 1
from: 1.0
to: 0.0
property: "opacity"
PropertyAction {
target: glow
property: "visible"
value: false
SequentialAnimation {
PropertyAction {
target: glow
property: "border.width"
value: 20
PauseAnimation {
duration: 200
PropertyAnimation {
target: glow
duration: buttonIcon.animationDuration
loops: 1
from: 20
to: 10
property: "border.width"