@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
root = true |
[*] |
indent_style = space |
indent_size = 2 |
end_of_line = lf |
charset = utf-8 |
trim_trailing_whitespace = true |
insert_final_newline = true |
[*.md] |
trim_trailing_whitespace = false |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
{ |
"rules": { |
"no-console": "off", |
"global-require": "off", |
"import/no-dynamic-require": "off" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ |
/** |
* Base webpack config used across other specific configs |
*/ |
import path from 'path'; |
import webpack from 'webpack'; |
import { dependencies as externals } from '../../src/package.json'; |
export default { |
externals: [...Object.keys(externals || {})], |
module: { |
rules: [ |
{ |
test: /\.tsx?$/, |
exclude: /node_modules/, |
use: { |
loader: 'babel-loader', |
options: { |
cacheDirectory: true, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
], |
}, |
output: { |
path: path.join(__dirname, '../../src'), |
// https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/1114
libraryTarget: 'commonjs2', |
}, |
/** |
* Determine the array of extensions that should be used to resolve modules. |
*/ |
resolve: { |
extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.json', '.ts', '.tsx'], |
modules: [path.join(__dirname, '../../src'), 'node_modules'], |
}, |
plugins: [ |
new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin({ |
NODE_ENV: 'production', |
}), |
], |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
/* eslint import/no-unresolved: off, import/no-self-import: off */ |
require('@babel/register'); |
module.exports = require('./webpack.config.renderer.dev.babel').default; |
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ |
/** |
* Webpack config for production electron main process |
*/ |
import path from 'path'; |
import webpack from 'webpack'; |
import { merge } from 'webpack-merge'; |
import TerserPlugin from 'terser-webpack-plugin'; |
import { BundleAnalyzerPlugin } from 'webpack-bundle-analyzer'; |
import baseConfig from './webpack.config.base'; |
import CheckNodeEnv from '../scripts/CheckNodeEnv'; |
import DeleteSourceMaps from '../scripts/DeleteSourceMaps'; |
CheckNodeEnv('production'); |
DeleteSourceMaps(); |
const devtoolsConfig = process.env.DEBUG_PROD === 'true' ? { |
devtool: 'source-map' |
} : {}; |
export default merge(baseConfig, { |
...devtoolsConfig, |
mode: 'production', |
target: 'electron-main', |
entry: './src/main.dev.ts', |
output: { |
path: path.join(__dirname, '../../'), |
filename: './src/main.prod.js', |
}, |
optimization: { |
minimizer: [ |
new TerserPlugin({ |
parallel: true, |
}), |
] |
}, |
plugins: [ |
new BundleAnalyzerPlugin({ |
analyzerMode: |
process.env.OPEN_ANALYZER === 'true' ? 'server' : 'disabled', |
openAnalyzer: process.env.OPEN_ANALYZER === 'true', |
}), |
/** |
* Create global constants which can be configured at compile time. |
* |
* Useful for allowing different behaviour between development builds and |
* release builds |
* |
* NODE_ENV should be production so that modules do not perform certain |
* development checks |
*/ |
new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin({ |
NODE_ENV: 'production', |
DEBUG_PROD: false, |
}), |
], |
/** |
* Disables webpack processing of __dirname and __filename. |
* If you run the bundle in node.js it falls back to these values of node.js. |
* https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/2010
*/ |
node: { |
__dirname: false, |
__filename: false, |
}, |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,335 @@ |
import path from 'path'; |
import fs from 'fs'; |
import webpack from 'webpack'; |
import chalk from 'chalk'; |
import { merge } from 'webpack-merge'; |
import { spawn, execSync } from 'child_process'; |
import baseConfig from './webpack.config.base'; |
import CheckNodeEnv from '../scripts/CheckNodeEnv'; |
import ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin from '@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin'; |
// When an ESLint server is running, we can't set the NODE_ENV so we'll check if it's
// at the dev webpack config is not accidentally run in a production environment
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { |
CheckNodeEnv('development'); |
} |
const port = process.env.PORT || 4343; |
const publicPath = `http://localhost:${port}/dist`; |
const dllDir = path.join(__dirname, '../dll'); |
const manifest = path.resolve(dllDir, 'renderer.json'); |
const requiredByDLLConfig = module.parent.filename.includes( |
'webpack.config.renderer.dev.dll' |
); |
/** |
* Warn if the DLL is not built |
*/ |
if ( |
!requiredByDLLConfig && |
!(fs.existsSync(dllDir) && fs.existsSync(manifest)) |
) { |
console.log( |
chalk.black.bgYellow.bold( |
'The DLL files are missing. Sit back while we build them for you with "yarn build-dll"' |
) |
); |
execSync('yarn postinstall'); |
} |
export default merge(baseConfig, { |
devtool: 'inline-source-map', |
mode: 'development', |
target: 'electron-renderer', |
entry: [ |
'core-js', |
'regenerator-runtime/runtime', |
require.resolve('../../src/index.tsx'), |
], |
output: { |
publicPath: `http://localhost:${port}/dist/`, |
filename: 'renderer.dev.js', |
}, |
module: { |
rules: [ |
{ |
test: /\.[jt]sx?$/, |
exclude: /node_modules/, |
use: [ |
{ |
loader: require.resolve('babel-loader'), |
options: { |
plugins: [require.resolve('react-refresh/babel')].filter(Boolean), |
}, |
}, |
], |
}, |
{ |
test: /\.global\.css$/, |
use: [ |
{ |
loader: 'style-loader', |
}, |
{ |
loader: 'css-loader', |
options: { |
sourceMap: true, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
loader: 'less-loader', |
options: { |
lessOptions: { |
javascriptEnabled: true, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
], |
}, |
{ |
test: /^((?!\.global).)*\.css$/, |
use: [ |
{ |
loader: 'style-loader', |
}, |
{ |
loader: 'css-loader', |
options: { |
modules: { |
localIdentName: '[name]__[local]__[hash:base64:5]', |
}, |
sourceMap: true, |
importLoaders: 1, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
loader: 'less-loader', |
options: { |
lessOptions: { |
javascriptEnabled: true, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
], |
}, |
// SASS support - compile all .global.scss files and pipe it to style.css
{ |
test: /\.global\.(scss|sass)$/, |
use: [ |
{ |
loader: 'style-loader', |
}, |
{ |
loader: 'css-loader', |
options: { |
sourceMap: true, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
loader: 'sass-loader', |
}, |
{ |
loader: 'less-loader', |
options: { |
lessOptions: { |
javascriptEnabled: true, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
], |
}, |
// SASS support - compile all other .scss files and pipe it to style.css
{ |
test: /^((?!\.global).)*\.(scss|sass)$/, |
use: [ |
{ |
loader: 'style-loader', |
}, |
{ |
loader: '@teamsupercell/typings-for-css-modules-loader', |
}, |
{ |
loader: 'css-loader', |
options: { |
modules: { |
localIdentName: '[name]__[local]__[hash:base64:5]', |
}, |
sourceMap: true, |
importLoaders: 1, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
loader: 'sass-loader', |
}, |
{ |
loader: 'less-loader', |
options: { |
lessOptions: { |
javascriptEnabled: true, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
], |
}, |
{ |
test: /\.less$/i, |
use: [ |
{ |
loader: 'style-loader', |
}, |
{ |
loader: 'css-loader', |
}, |
{ |
loader: 'less-loader', |
options: { |
lessOptions: { |
javascriptEnabled: true, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
], |
}, |
// WOFF Font
{ |
test: /\.woff(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, |
use: { |
loader: 'url-loader', |
options: { |
limit: 10000, |
mimetype: 'application/font-woff', |
}, |
}, |
}, |
// WOFF2 Font
{ |
test: /\.woff2(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, |
use: { |
loader: 'url-loader', |
options: { |
limit: 10000, |
mimetype: 'application/font-woff', |
}, |
}, |
}, |
// OTF Font
{ |
test: /\.otf(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, |
use: { |
loader: 'url-loader', |
options: { |
limit: 10000, |
mimetype: 'font/otf', |
}, |
}, |
}, |
// TTF Font
{ |
test: /\.ttf(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, |
use: { |
loader: 'url-loader', |
options: { |
limit: 10000, |
mimetype: 'application/octet-stream', |
}, |
}, |
}, |
// EOT Font
{ |
test: /\.eot(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, |
use: 'file-loader', |
}, |
// SVG Font
{ |
test: /\.svg(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, |
use: { |
loader: 'url-loader', |
options: { |
limit: 10000, |
mimetype: 'image/svg+xml', |
}, |
}, |
}, |
// Common Image Formats
{ |
test: /\.(?:ico|gif|png|jpg|jpeg|webp)$/, |
use: 'url-loader', |
}, |
], |
}, |
plugins: [ |
requiredByDLLConfig |
? null |
: new webpack.DllReferencePlugin({ |
context: path.join(__dirname, '../dll'), |
manifest: require(manifest), |
sourceType: 'var', |
}), |
new webpack.NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin(), |
/** |
* Create global constants which can be configured at compile time. |
* |
* Useful for allowing different behaviour between development builds and |
* release builds |
* |
* NODE_ENV should be production so that modules do not perform certain |
* development checks |
* |
* By default, use 'development' as NODE_ENV. This can be overriden with |
* 'staging', for example, by changing the ENV variables in the npm scripts |
*/ |
new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin({ |
NODE_ENV: 'development', |
}), |
new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({ |
debug: true, |
}), |
new ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin(), |
], |
node: { |
__dirname: false, |
__filename: false, |
}, |
devServer: { |
port, |
publicPath, |
compress: true, |
noInfo: false, |
stats: 'errors-only', |
inline: true, |
lazy: false, |
hot: true, |
headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' }, |
contentBase: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'), |
watchOptions: { |
aggregateTimeout: 300, |
ignored: /node_modules/, |
poll: 100, |
}, |
historyApiFallback: { |
verbose: true, |
disableDotRule: false, |
}, |
before() { |
console.log('Starting Main Process...'); |
spawn('npm', ['run', 'start:main'], { |
shell: true, |
env: process.env, |
stdio: 'inherit', |
}) |
.on('close', (code) => process.exit(code)) |
.on('error', (spawnError) => console.error(spawnError)); |
}, |
}, |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
/** |
* Builds the DLL for development electron renderer process |
*/ |
import webpack from 'webpack'; |
import path from 'path'; |
import { merge } from 'webpack-merge'; |
import baseConfig from './webpack.config.base'; |
import { dependencies } from '../../package.json'; |
import CheckNodeEnv from '../scripts/CheckNodeEnv'; |
CheckNodeEnv('development'); |
const dist = path.join(__dirname, '../dll'); |
export default merge(baseConfig, { |
context: path.join(__dirname, '../..'), |
devtool: 'eval', |
mode: 'development', |
target: 'electron-renderer', |
externals: ['fsevents', 'crypto-browserify'], |
/** |
* Use `module` from `webpack.config.renderer.dev.js` |
*/ |
module: require('./webpack.config.renderer.dev.babel').default.module, |
entry: { |
renderer: Object.keys(dependencies || {}), |
}, |
output: { |
library: 'renderer', |
path: dist, |
filename: '[name].dev.dll.js', |
libraryTarget: 'var', |
}, |
plugins: [ |
new webpack.DllPlugin({ |
path: path.join(dist, '[name].json'), |
name: '[name]', |
}), |
/** |
* Create global constants which can be configured at compile time. |
* |
* Useful for allowing different behaviour between development builds and |
* release builds |
* |
* NODE_ENV should be production so that modules do not perform certain |
* development checks |
*/ |
new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin({ |
NODE_ENV: 'development', |
}), |
new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({ |
debug: true, |
options: { |
context: path.join(__dirname, '../../src'), |
output: { |
path: path.join(__dirname, '../dll'), |
}, |
}, |
}), |
], |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ |
/** |
* Build config for electron renderer process |
*/ |
import path from 'path'; |
import webpack from 'webpack'; |
import MiniCssExtractPlugin from 'mini-css-extract-plugin'; |
import { BundleAnalyzerPlugin } from 'webpack-bundle-analyzer'; |
import CssMinimizerPlugin from 'css-minimizer-webpack-plugin'; |
import { merge } from 'webpack-merge'; |
import TerserPlugin from 'terser-webpack-plugin'; |
import baseConfig from './webpack.config.base'; |
import CheckNodeEnv from '../scripts/CheckNodeEnv'; |
import DeleteSourceMaps from '../scripts/DeleteSourceMaps'; |
CheckNodeEnv('production'); |
DeleteSourceMaps(); |
const devtoolsConfig = |
process.env.DEBUG_PROD === 'true' |
? { |
devtool: 'source-map', |
} |
: {}; |
export default merge(baseConfig, { |
...devtoolsConfig, |
mode: 'production', |
target: 'electron-renderer', |
entry: [ |
'core-js', |
'regenerator-runtime/runtime', |
path.join(__dirname, '../../src/index.tsx'), |
], |
output: { |
path: path.join(__dirname, '../../src/dist'), |
publicPath: './dist/', |
filename: 'renderer.prod.js', |
}, |
module: { |
rules: [ |
{ |
test: /.s?l?c?e?ss$/, |
use: [ |
{ |
loader: MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, |
options: { |
// `./dist` can't be inerhited for publicPath for styles. Otherwise generated paths will be ./dist/dist
publicPath: './', |
}, |
}, |
'css-loader', |
'less-loader', |
'sass-loader', |
], |
}, |
// WOFF Font
{ |
test: /\.woff(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, |
use: { |
loader: 'url-loader', |
options: { |
limit: 10000, |
mimetype: 'application/font-woff', |
}, |
}, |
}, |
// WOFF2 Font
{ |
test: /\.woff2(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, |
use: { |
loader: 'url-loader', |
options: { |
limit: 10000, |
mimetype: 'application/font-woff', |
}, |
}, |
}, |
// OTF Font
{ |
test: /\.otf(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, |
use: { |
loader: 'url-loader', |
options: { |
limit: 10000, |
mimetype: 'font/otf', |
}, |
}, |
}, |
// TTF Font
{ |
test: /\.ttf(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, |
use: { |
loader: 'url-loader', |
options: { |
limit: 10000, |
mimetype: 'application/octet-stream', |
}, |
}, |
}, |
// EOT Font
{ |
test: /\.eot(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, |
use: 'file-loader', |
}, |
// SVG Font
{ |
test: /\.svg(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, |
use: { |
loader: 'url-loader', |
options: { |
limit: 10000, |
mimetype: 'image/svg+xml', |
}, |
}, |
}, |
// Common Image Formats
{ |
test: /\.(?:ico|gif|png|jpg|jpeg|webp)$/, |
use: 'url-loader', |
}, |
], |
}, |
optimization: { |
minimize: true, |
minimizer: [ |
new TerserPlugin({ |
parallel: true, |
}), |
new CssMinimizerPlugin(), |
], |
}, |
plugins: [ |
/** |
* Create global constants which can be configured at compile time. |
* |
* Useful for allowing different behaviour between development builds and |
* release builds |
* |
* NODE_ENV should be production so that modules do not perform certain |
* development checks |
*/ |
new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin({ |
NODE_ENV: 'production', |
DEBUG_PROD: false, |
}), |
new MiniCssExtractPlugin({ |
filename: 'style.css', |
}), |
new BundleAnalyzerPlugin({ |
analyzerMode: |
process.env.OPEN_ANALYZER === 'true' ? 'server' : 'disabled', |
openAnalyzer: process.env.OPEN_ANALYZER === 'true', |
}), |
], |
}); |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.0 MiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 28 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.6 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.5 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.1 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.7 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.6 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.0 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.4 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.0 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.0 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.4 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.7 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.5 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.5 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.9 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.4 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.1 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.5 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.1 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
export default 'test-file-stub'; |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
{ |
"rules": { |
"no-console": "off", |
"global-require": "off", |
"import/no-dynamic-require": "off", |
"import/no-extraneous-dependencies": "off" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
const path = require('path'); |
require('@babel/register')({ |
extensions: ['.es6', '.es', '.jsx', '.js', '.mjs', '.ts', '.tsx'], |
cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../..'), |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
// Check if the renderer and main bundles are built
import path from 'path'; |
import chalk from 'chalk'; |
import fs from 'fs'; |
const mainPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../src/main.prod.js'); |
const rendererPath = path.join( |
__dirname, '../../src/dist/renderer.prod.js' |
); |
if (!fs.existsSync(mainPath)) { |
throw new Error( |
chalk.whiteBright.bgRed.bold( |
'The main process is not built yet. Build it by running "yarn build:main"' |
) |
); |
} |
if (!fs.existsSync(rendererPath)) { |
throw new Error( |
chalk.whiteBright.bgRed.bold( |
'The renderer process is not built yet. Build it by running "yarn build:renderer"' |
) |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ |
import fs from 'fs'; |
import chalk from 'chalk'; |
import { execSync } from 'child_process'; |
import { dependencies } from '../../package.json'; |
if (dependencies) { |
const dependenciesKeys = Object.keys(dependencies); |
const nativeDeps = fs |
.readdirSync('node_modules') |
.filter((folder) => fs.existsSync(`node_modules/${folder}/binding.gyp`)); |
if (nativeDeps.length === 0) { |
process.exit(0); |
} |
try { |
// Find the reason for why the dependency is installed. If it is installed
// because of a devDependency then that is okay. Warn when it is installed
// because of a dependency
const { dependencies: dependenciesObject } = JSON.parse( |
execSync(`npm ls ${nativeDeps.join(' ')} --json`).toString() |
); |
const rootDependencies = Object.keys(dependenciesObject); |
const filteredRootDependencies = rootDependencies.filter((rootDependency) => |
dependenciesKeys.includes(rootDependency) |
); |
if (filteredRootDependencies.length > 0) { |
const plural = filteredRootDependencies.length > 1; |
console.log(` |
${chalk.whiteBright.bgYellow.bold( |
'Webpack does not work with native dependencies.' |
)} |
${chalk.bold(filteredRootDependencies.join(', '))} ${ |
plural ? 'are native dependencies' : 'is a native dependency' |
} and should be installed inside of the "./src" folder. |
First, uninstall the packages from "./package.json": |
${chalk.whiteBright.bgGreen.bold('yarn remove your-package')} |
${chalk.bold( |
'Then, instead of installing the package to the root "./package.json":' |
)} |
${chalk.whiteBright.bgRed.bold('yarn add your-package')} |
${chalk.bold('Install the package to "./src/package.json"')} |
${chalk.whiteBright.bgGreen.bold('cd ./src && yarn add your-package')} |
Read more about native dependencies at: |
${chalk.bold( |
'https://electron-react-boilerplate.js.org/docs/adding-dependencies/#module-structure' |
)} |
process.exit(1); |
} |
} catch (e) { |
console.log('Native dependencies could not be checked'); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
import chalk from 'chalk'; |
export default function CheckNodeEnv(expectedEnv) { |
if (!expectedEnv) { |
throw new Error('"expectedEnv" not set'); |
} |
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== expectedEnv) { |
console.log( |
chalk.whiteBright.bgRed.bold( |
`"process.env.NODE_ENV" must be "${expectedEnv}" to use this webpack config` |
) |
); |
process.exit(2); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
import chalk from 'chalk'; |
import detectPort from 'detect-port'; |
const port = process.env.PORT || '4343'; |
detectPort(port, (err, availablePort) => { |
if (port !== String(availablePort)) { |
throw new Error( |
chalk.whiteBright.bgRed.bold( |
`Port "${port}" on "localhost" is already in use. Please use another port. ex: PORT=4343 yarn start` |
) |
); |
} else { |
process.exit(0); |
} |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
import path from 'path'; |
import rimraf from 'rimraf'; |
export default function deleteSourceMaps() { |
rimraf.sync(path.join(__dirname, '../../src/dist/*.js.map')); |
rimraf.sync(path.join(__dirname, '../../src/*.js.map')); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
import path from 'path'; |
import { execSync } from 'child_process'; |
import fs from 'fs'; |
import { dependencies } from '../../src/package.json'; |
const nodeModulesPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../src/node_modules'); |
if ( |
Object.keys(dependencies || {}).length > 0 && |
fs.existsSync(nodeModulesPath) |
) { |
const electronRebuildCmd = |
'../node_modules/.bin/electron-rebuild --parallel --force --types prod,dev,optional --module-dir .'; |
const cmd = |
process.platform === 'win32' |
? electronRebuildCmd.replace(/\//g, '\\') |
: electronRebuildCmd; |
execSync(cmd, { |
cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../../src'), |
stdio: 'inherit', |
}); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
const { notarize } = require('electron-notarize'); |
const { build } = require('../../package.json'); |
exports.default = async function notarizeMacos(context) { |
const { electronPlatformName, appOutDir } = context; |
if (electronPlatformName !== 'darwin') { |
return; |
} |
if (!process.env.CI) { |
console.warn('Skipping notarizing step. Packaging is not running in CI'); |
return; |
} |
if (!('APPLE_ID' in process.env && 'APPLE_ID_PASS' in process.env)) { |
console.warn('Skipping notarizing step. APPLE_ID and APPLE_ID_PASS env variables must be set'); |
return; |
} |
const appName = context.packager.appInfo.productFilename; |
await notarize({ |
appBundleId: build.appId, |
appPath: `${appOutDir}/${appName}.app`, |
appleId: process.env.APPLE_ID, |
appleIdPassword: process.env.APPLE_ID_PASS, |
}); |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
# Logs |
logs |
*.log |
# Runtime data |
pids |
*.pid |
*.seed |
# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover |
lib-cov |
# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul |
coverage |
# Grunt intermediate storage (http://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files) |
.grunt |
# node-waf configuration |
.lock-wscript |
# Compiled binary addons (http://nodejs.org/api/addons.html) |
build/Release |
.eslintcache |
# Dependency directory |
# https://www.npmjs.org/doc/misc/npm-faq.html#should-i-check-my-node_modules-folder-into-git |
node_modules |
# OSX |
.DS_Store |
# App packaged |
release |
src/*.main.prod.js |
src/main.prod.js |
src/main.prod.js.map |
src/renderer.prod.js |
src/renderer.prod.js.map |
src/style.css |
src/style.css.map |
dist |
dll |
main.js |
main.js.map |
.idea |
npm-debug.log.* |
__snapshots__ |
# Package.json |
package.json |
.travis.yml |
*.css.d.ts |
*.sass.d.ts |
*.scss.d.ts |
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ |
module.exports = { |
extends: 'erb', |
rules: { |
// A temporary hack related to IDE not resolving correct package.json
'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': 'off', |
'import/prefer-default-export': 'off', |
'@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': 'off', |
'no-underscore-dangle': 'off', |
'no-console': 'off', |
'jsx-quotes': ['error', 'prefer-double'], |
'react/jsx-props-no-spreading': 'off', |
}, |
parserOptions: { |
ecmaVersion: 2020, |
sourceType: 'module', |
project: './tsconfig.json', |
tsconfigRootDir: __dirname, |
createDefaultProgram: true, |
}, |
settings: { |
'import/resolver': { |
// See https://github.com/benmosher/eslint-plugin-import/issues/1396#issuecomment-575727774 for line below
node: {}, |
webpack: { |
config: require.resolve('./.erb/configs/webpack.config.eslint.js'), |
}, |
}, |
'import/parsers': { |
'@typescript-eslint/parser': ['.ts', '.tsx'], |
}, |
}, |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
* text eol=lf |
*.exe binary |
*.png binary |
*.jpg binary |
*.jpeg binary |
*.ico binary |
*.icns binary |
*.eot binary |
*.otf binary |
*.ttf binary |
*.woff binary |
*.woff2 binary |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
# These are supported funding model platforms |
github: [electron-react-boilerplate, amilajack] |
patreon: amilajack |
open_collective: electron-react-boilerplate-594 |
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ |
--- |
name: Bug report |
about: You're having technical issues. ๐ |
labels: 'bug' |
--- |
<!-- Please use the following issue template or your issue will be closed --> |
## Prerequisites |
<!-- If the following boxes are not ALL checked, your issue is likely to be closed --> |
- [ ] Using yarn |
- [ ] Using an up-to-date [`master` branch](https://github.com/electron-react-boilerplate/electron-react-boilerplate/tree/master) |
- [ ] Using latest version of devtools. [Check the docs for how to update](https://electron-react-boilerplate.js.org/docs/dev-tools/) |
- [ ] Tried solutions mentioned in [#400](https://github.com/electron-react-boilerplate/electron-react-boilerplate/issues/400) |
- [ ] For issue in production release, add devtools output of `DEBUG_PROD=true yarn build && yarn start` |
## Expected Behavior |
<!--- What should have happened? --> |
## Current Behavior |
<!--- What went wrong? --> |
## Steps to Reproduce |
<!-- Add relevant code and/or a live example --> |
<!-- Add stack traces --> |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
## Possible Solution (Not obligatory) |
<!--- Suggest a reason for the bug or how to fix it. --> |
## Context |
<!--- How has this issue affected you? What are you trying to accomplish? --> |
<!--- Did you make any changes to the boilerplate after cloning it? --> |
<!--- Providing context helps us come up with a solution that is most useful in the real world --> |
## Your Environment |
<!--- Include as many relevant details about the environment you experienced the bug in --> |
- Node version : |
- electron-react-boilerplate version or branch : |
- Operating System and version : |
- Link to your project : |
<!--- |
โ๏ธโ๏ธ Also, please consider donating (https://opencollective.com/electron-react-boilerplate-594) โ๏ธโ๏ธ |
Donations will ensure the following: |
๐จ Long term maintenance of the project |
๐ฃ Progress on the roadmap |
๐ Quick responses to bug reports and help requests |
--> |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
--- |
name: Question |
about: Ask a question.โ |
labels: 'question' |
--- |
## Summary |
<!-- What do you need help with? --> |
<!--- |
โ๏ธโ๏ธ Also, please consider donating (https://opencollective.com/electron-react-boilerplate-594) โ๏ธโ๏ธ |
Donations will ensure the following: |
๐จ Long term maintenance of the project |
๐ฃ Progress on the roadmap |
๐ Quick responses to bug reports and help requests |
--> |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
--- |
name: Feature request |
about: You want something added to the boilerplate. ๐ |
labels: 'enhancement' |
--- |
<!--- |
โ๏ธโ๏ธ Also, please consider donating (https://opencollective.com/electron-react-boilerplate-594) โ๏ธโ๏ธ |
Donations will ensure the following: |
๐จ Long term maintenance of the project |
๐ฃ Progress on the roadmap |
๐ Quick responses to bug reports and help requests |
--> |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
requiredHeaders: |
- Prerequisites |
- Expected Behavior |
- Current Behavior |
- Possible Solution |
- Your Environment |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
# Number of days of inactivity before an issue becomes stale |
daysUntilStale: 40 |
# Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed |
daysUntilClose: 7 |
# Issues with these labels will never be considered stale |
exemptLabels: |
- pr |
- discussion |
- e2e |
- enhancement |
# Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable |
markComment: > |
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had |
recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you |
for your contributions. |
# Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable |
closeComment: false |
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ |
name: Publish |
on: |
push: |
branches: |
- master |
jobs: |
publish: |
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} |
strategy: |
matrix: |
os: [ macos-latest ] |
steps: |
- name: Checkout git repo |
uses: actions/checkout@v1 |
- name: Install Node, NPM and Yarn |
uses: actions/setup-node@v1 |
with: |
node-version: 15 |
- name: Get yarn cache directory path |
id: yarn-cache-dir-path |
run: echo "::set-output name=dir::$(yarn cache dir)" |
- uses: actions/cache@v1 |
id: yarn-cache |
with: |
path: ${{ steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir }} |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }} |
restore-keys: | |
${{ runner.os }}-yarn- |
- name: Install dependencies |
run: | |
yarn install --prefer-offline |
- name: Install dependencies |
run: | |
yarn install |
- name: Publish releases |
env: |
# These values are used for auto updates signing |
APPLE_ID: ${{ secrets.APPLE_ID }} |
APPLE_ID_PASS: ${{ secrets.APPLE_ID_PASS }} |
CSC_LINK: ${{ secrets.CSC_LINK }} |
# This is used for uploading release assets to github |
run: | |
yarn postinstall && yarn build && yarn electron-builder --publish always --win --mac --linux |
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ |
name: Test |
on: [push, pull_request] |
jobs: |
release: |
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} |
strategy: |
matrix: |
os: [macos-latest, windows-latest, ubuntu-latest] |
steps: |
- name: Check out Git repository |
uses: actions/checkout@v1 |
- name: Install Node.js, NPM and Yarn |
uses: actions/setup-node@v1 |
with: |
node-version: 15 |
- name: yarn install |
run: | |
yarn install --frozen-lockfile --network-timeout 300000 |
- name: yarn test |
env: |
run: | |
yarn package |
yarn lint |
yarn tsc |
yarn test |
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
# Logs |
logs |
*.log |
# Runtime data |
pids |
*.pid |
*.seed |
# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover |
lib-cov |
# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul |
coverage |
# Grunt intermediate storage (http://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files) |
.grunt |
# node-waf configuration |
.lock-wscript |
# Compiled binary addons (http://nodejs.org/api/addons.html) |
build/Release |
.eslintcache |
# Dependency directory |
# https://www.npmjs.org/doc/misc/npm-faq.html#should-i-check-my-node_modules-folder-into-git |
node_modules |
# OSX |
.DS_Store |
# App packaged |
release |
src/main.prod.js |
src/main.prod.js.map |
src/renderer.prod.js |
src/renderer.prod.js.map |
src/style.css |
src/style.css.map |
dist |
dll |
main.js |
main.js.map |
.idea |
npm-debug.log.* |
*.css.d.ts |
*.sass.d.ts |
*.scss.d.ts |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"trailingComma": "es5", |
"tabWidth": 2, |
"semi": true, |
"singleQuote": false |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
{ |
"recommendations": [ |
"dbaeumer.vscode-eslint", |
"EditorConfig.EditorConfig", |
"msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome" |
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
{ |
"version": "0.2.0", |
"configurations": [ |
{ |
"name": "Electron: Main", |
"type": "node", |
"request": "launch", |
"protocol": "inspector", |
"runtimeExecutable": "yarn", |
"runtimeArgs": ["start:main --inspect=5858 --remote-debugging-port=9223"], |
"preLaunchTask": "Start Webpack Dev" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Electron: Renderer", |
"type": "chrome", |
"request": "attach", |
"port": 9223, |
"webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}", |
"timeout": 15000 |
} |
], |
"compounds": [ |
{ |
"name": "Electron: All", |
"configurations": ["Electron: Main", "Electron: Renderer"] |
} |
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
{ |
"files.associations": { |
".babelrc": "jsonc", |
".eslintrc": "jsonc", |
".prettierrc": "jsonc", |
".eslintignore": "ignore" |
}, |
"javascript.validate.enable": false, |
"javascript.format.enable": false, |
"typescript.format.enable": false, |
"search.exclude": { |
".git": true, |
".eslintcache": true, |
"src/dist": true, |
"src/main.prod.js": true, |
"src/main.prod.js.map": true, |
"bower_components": true, |
"dll": true, |
"release": true, |
"node_modules": true, |
"npm-debug.log.*": true, |
"test/**/__snapshots__": true, |
"yarn.lock": true, |
"*.{css,sass,scss}.d.ts": true |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
{ |
"version": "2.0.0", |
"tasks": [ |
{ |
"type": "npm", |
"label": "Start Webpack Dev", |
"script": "start:renderer", |
"options": { |
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}" |
}, |
"isBackground": true, |
"problemMatcher": { |
"owner": "custom", |
"pattern": { |
"regexp": "____________" |
}, |
"background": { |
"activeOnStart": true, |
"beginsPattern": "Compiling\\.\\.\\.$", |
"endsPattern": "(Compiled successfully|Failed to compile)\\.$" |
} |
} |
} |
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,533 @@ |
# 2.1.0 |
- Migrate to `css-minifier-webpack-plugin` |
# 2.0.1 |
## Fixes |
- Fix broken css linking in production build |
# 2.0.0 |
## Breaking Changes |
- drop redux |
- remove counter example app |
- simplify directory structure |
- move `dll` dir to `.erb` dir |
- fix icon/font import paths |
- migrate to `react-refresh` from `react-hot-loader` |
- migrate to webpack@5 |
- migrate to electron@11 |
- remove e2e tests and testcafe integration |
- rename `app` dir to more conventional `src` dir |
- rename `resources` dir to `assets` |
- simplify npm scripts |
- drop stylelint |
- simplify styling of boilerplate app |
- remove `START_HOT` env variable |
- notarize support |
- landing page boilerplate |
- docs updates |
- restore removed debugging support |
# 1.4.0 |
- Migrate to `eslint-config-erb@2` |
- Rename `dev` npm script to `start` |
- GitHub Actions: only publish GitHub releases when on master branch |
# 1.3.1 |
- Fix sass building bug ([#2540](https://github.com/electron-react-boilerplate/electron-react-boilerplate/pull/2540)) |
- Fix CI bug related to E2E tests and network timeouts |
- Move automated dependency PRs to `next` ([#2554](https://github.com/electron-react-boilerplate/electron-react-boilerplate/pull/2554)) |
- Bump dependencies to patch semver |
# 1.3.0 |
- Fixes E2E tests ([#2516](https://github.com/electron-react-boilerplate/electron-react-boilerplate/pull/2516)) |
- Fixes preload entrypoint ([#2503](https://github.com/electron-react-boilerplate/electron-react-boilerplate/pull/2503)) |
- Downgrade to `electron@8` |
- Bump dependencies to latest semver |
# 1.2.0 |
- Migrate to redux toolkit |
- Lazy load routes with react suspense |
- Drop support for azure-pipelines and use only github actions |
- Bump all deps to latest semver |
- Remove `test-e2e` script from tests (blocked on release of https://github.com/DevExpress/testcafe-browser-provider-electron/pull/65) |
- Swap `typed-css-modules-webpack-plugin` for `typings-for-css-modules-loader` |
- Use latest version of `eslint-config-erb` |
- Remove unnecessary file extensions from ts exclude |
- Add experimental support for vscode debugging |
- Revert https://github.com/electron-react-boilerplate/electron-react-boilerplate/pull/2365 as default for users, provide as opt in option |
# 1.1.0 |
- Fix #2402 |
- Simplify configs (https://github.com/electron-react-boilerplate/electron-react-boilerplate/pull/2406) |
# 1.0.0 |
- Migrate to TypeScript from Flow ([#2363] |