Post-mortem web page after the wedding
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
3.0 KiB

* Setup
// const debugEl = document.getElementById('debug'),
// Mapping of indexes to icons: start from banana in middle of initial position and then upwards
iconMap = ["banana", "seven", "cherry", "plum", "orange", "bell", "bar", "lemon", "melon"],
// Width of the icons
icon_width = 79,
// Height of one icon in the strip
icon_height = 79,
// Number of icons in the strip
num_icons = 9,
// Max-speed in ms for animating one icon down
time_per_icon = 100,
// Holds icon indexes
indexes = [0, 0, 0];
* Roll one reel
const roll = (reel, offset = 0) => {
// Minimum of 2 + the reel offset rounds
const delta = (offset + 2) * num_icons + Math.round(Math.random() * num_icons);
// Return promise so we can wait for all reels to finish
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const style = getComputedStyle(reel),
// Current background position
backgroundPositionY = parseFloat(style["background-position-y"]),
// Target background position
targetBackgroundPositionY = backgroundPositionY + delta * icon_height,
// Normalized background position, for reset
normTargetBackgroundPositionY = targetBackgroundPositionY % (num_icons * icon_height);
// Delay animation with timeout, for some reason a delay in the animation property causes stutter
setTimeout(() => {
// Set transition properties ==>,-0.01,.63,1.09 = `background-position-y ${(8 + 1 * delta) * time_per_icon}ms cubic-bezier(.41,-0.01,.63,1.09)`;
// Set background position = `${backgroundPositionY + delta * icon_height}px`;
}, offset * 150);
// After animation
setTimeout(() => {
// Reset position, so that it doesn't get higher without limit = `none`; = `${normTargetBackgroundPositionY}px`;
// Resolve this promise
resolve(delta % num_icons);
}, (8 + 1 * delta) * time_per_icon + offset * 150);
* Roll all reels, when promise resolves roll again
function rollAll() {
// debugEl.textContent = 'rolling...';
const reelsList = document.querySelectorAll('.slots > .reel');
// Activate each reel, must convert NodeList to Array for this with spread operator
.all([...reelsList].map((reel, i) => roll(reel, i)))
// When all reels done animating (all promises solve)
.then(deltas => {
// add up indexes
deltas.forEach((delta, i) => indexes[i] = (indexes[i] + delta) % num_icons);
// debugEl.textContent = => iconMap[i]).join(' - ');
// Win conditions
if (indexes[0] == indexes[1] || indexes[1] == indexes[2]) {
const winCls = indexes[0] == indexes[2] ? "win2" : "win1";
setTimeout(() => document.querySelector(".slots").classList.remove(winCls), 2000);
// Again!
setTimeout(rollAll, 3000);
// Kickoff
setTimeout(rollAll, 1000);